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International Journal of Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
We invite you to submit research papers by : editorijeai1@gmail.com
Submission Open for Volume 6 Issue 1
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information via: editorijeai1@gmail.com
Publication Fees 250 $ (OPEN ACCESS)
Free for any researcher from Gaza
نحن ندعوا الإنسانية لمساعدة أهل غزة بوقف العدوان عليهم وحرب الإبادة التي يتعرضون لها
International Journal of Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (IJEAI) Welcomes papers on broad aspects of engineering and AI that constitute advances in the overall field including, but not limited to, cognition and AI applications, engineering applications, civil engineering, industrial engineering, energy engineering, chemical engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronic engineering, medical engineering, applied sciences, AI and Human Sciences, AI and education, automated reasoning and inference, case-based reasoning, commonsense reasoning, computer vision, constraint processing, ethical AI, heuristic search, human interfaces, intelligent robotics, knowledge representation, machine learning, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, planning and action, and reasoning under uncertainty. The journal reports results achieved in addition to proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems, both of which must include demonstrations of value and effectiveness.
You can download the doc file (Template IJEAI) of the template which can be used in final preparation and formatting of the paper to be submitted for publication in IJEAI.
Paper Submission: editorijeai1@gmail.com
In IJEAI publications are freely available to read online, and is free of publication fees for authors. All papers are reviewed equally according to standard peer review processes, regardless of whether or not the authors have attended a related IJEAI.
Certificate of ISSN assignment by the ISSN International Centre in France
The International Centre for the Registration of Serial Publications (CIEPS – ISSN International Centre), located in Paris 75003 (France), 45 rue de Turbigo, hereby certifies that ISSN 2708-2792 is assigned for IJEAI in 2020.
Open access in IJEAI refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it.
Knowledge does not recognize borders, does not recognize restrictions, you can make your contributions for the sake of humanity